Thursday, May 30, 2019

Comparing and Analysing The Gift and Frankenstein :: The Gift Frankenstein Movies Film Essays

Comparing and Analysing The Gift and FrankensteinWe watched a video called The Gift. This was a base of a girlcalled Annie, aged 16. She was a keen sportswoman and played footballregularly. However, she began to develop balance difficulties. Thesedifficulties began to escalate, Annie and her mother, Barbara, decideto go to the Doctors. They find out that Annie has a sever conditionnamed Friedricks Attaxia in which your muscles waste away. Annie istold that her condition will deteriorate and she will eventually die.On hearing this news, Annies brother, Ryan, who is fourteen, wants tobe tested for the disease. Ryan finds that he is a carrier of thedisease.The film now goes forward in time to the category 2012. Annie, Ryanssister, s now dead. Ryan is married and wants to have a nestling but isconcerned as to whether his wife is a carrier of Friedericks Attaxia,she is tested and found as a carrier. This means that there is achance of their kid being born with this disease. Ryan wants to makesure that their claw does not have the disease. Ryan persuades hiswife to let him select a child, using advanced technology, which doesnot cover the Friedericks Attaxia gene, on condition that that is theonly thing that he selects. However, as a geneticist, Ryan can readand understand the gene odes which are presented to him, Ryan decidesto pick a child without the Friedericks Attaxia gene, but also selectsa boy who is good at sport (in memory of Annie).The story again goes forward in time. Now in the year 2029, Ryan isnow divorced and their son, hold back, is now 16. He is a tennis champion.However, he discovers he cannot qualify for an award beca drug abuse he was aDesigner baby. Mark now confronts his father, Ryan, who reveals thetruth.The film ends with a talk show, debating whether designer babiesshould be allowed, in which Ryan, his ex wife, Mark, and a scientistare interviewed. Ryan and the scientist are clearly for the proposalRyans ex wife is against. They debat e the pros and cons of GeneticEngineering. These included increased quality of life for the pros,but it was argues that designer babies took away the foetus right tolive.We talked about the issues, characters and their viewpoints. Ryan(when he was young) was actually jealous of Annie, and all of theattention she was receiving. However, he was devastated by Anniescondition. Ryan turns out to be a very clever, determined man, who,although he took it too far, tried to use genetic engineering for

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